Friction is the root cause of crane wheel flange failures. Graphite Lubrication of the flange/rail interface will significantly reduce wear of the rail & wheel flange.

As a result of SHIVA’s ongoing research and development, the SP-24 Flange Lubrication System incorporates the following


  • Reduces wheel flange & Rail wear

  • Operates in all weather conditions

  • Interchangeable sticks

  • Easy to install

Lubrication Stick Applicator:

The lubrication stick applicator is fully steel assembly including a spring that presses the lubrication stick against the part to be lubricated and a sure-locking end cap to make refilling quick and easy. The lubrication stick applicator has been simplified over the years and reduced to a single moving part. Applicable In Cranes, Trolley & Transfer cars for Steel industry, Mining industry, Power sector, Shipyard, Heavy engineering industry etc.